The First Project

Ever since leaving college I have been too busy to focus on my own personal projects. I have traveled and have enjoyed many experiences I wanted to share at college, but I was not able to because of various monetary reasons and time devoted to studying. I have now resolved myself to start completing my project list. The first item was to create a simple website and this is my product.

What I used: WordPress, a tutorial from Let’s Build WordPress, a drawing program called paint.NET, and various other google search results to help with specific problems. I created the logo and favicon with pain.NET and paint. I found some free icons online create by VisualPham and edited them to fit my needs.  I hope I didn’t miss some fine print somewhere and I have accidentally stolen non-free work.

What it cost: about $120 for webhosting for a year from

What I learned that you don’t get in the tutorial:

When you are choosing your favicon, make sure it is the of the file type “.ico” and not anything else. If your favicon has transparency to it, the deselected tab in your web browser will not render it correctly if it is not of the “.ico” file type.

The Process: I followed the instructions on this video more or less.